The body’s intrinsic light
11th Apr 2019
The role of the cilia
11th Apr 2019

The mechanics of Pineal infusion: the Cingulate Gyrus as front-line runner!

The mechanics of Pineal infusion: the Cingulate Gyrus as front-line runner!

The mechanics of Pineal infusion: the Cingulate Gyrus as front-line runner!

The Cingulate Gyrus is a belt or collar, (Latin, ‘cingulus’ belt) in the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres. This belt or collar wraps around two thirds of the Cingulate cortex which is part of the Limbic system, or reptile brain. The Pons and Medulla Oblongata are just below the central area of the brain and also belong to the Limbic System.

The Cingulate cortex has some big players: the Pineal; the Pituitary; the Hippocampus and the Hypothalamus; towards the front of the head the area brings in the Amygdalae and the Temporal Lobe.

The Cingulate Gyrus wraps around two thirds of the Cingulate cortex and this is where the Limbic system, the old ‘fight or flight’ part of the body, connects to the cognitive area of the pre-frontal cortex of the brain; this central area of the brain is to do with memory; the involuntary or autonomic system; the regulation of internal stasis of the body; the immune system; the interesting world of our emotions and consciousness.

For our purposes here, the Cingulate Gyrus is an important receptive dome which distributes high frequency energy into the big players of the Cingulate cortex. A well-established neurobiological textbook for medical students [i], asks what the function of the ‘little ciglia’ is. Such a question alerted me strongly because the cingulate gyrus is a RETICULUM, a double layered structure formed like a guardian around two thirds of the cingulate cortext. Between the two layers of the cingulate gyrus there are cilia and it is these cilia which are active transmitters, transporters of the increasing frequency that is entering our bodies just now.

(Please also see our video here on the Cilia.)

How fine frequency energy gets into the spinal column

As we have said before, high frequency energy comes through into the pineal at night, when it does so it will run into the whole cingulate cortex and the significant bodies which shelter beneath it. After transmission of high frequency energy has taken place, remembering that THETA waves run through the hippocampus (which would therefore manage high frequency energy very well) the fast energy runs into the spinal column via the Reticular Formation in the brainstem. This Formation (or RF) holds ascending and descending nerve fibres and is made up of three columns, the median, the medial and the lateral. It is the role of the RF to send projections to the central area of the brain; to the spinal cord; to the eyes and ears and to the heart, and to send information about consciousness to the thalamus and cerebral cortex. Such an area, which has often been thought by medical science to be ‘chaotic,’ (GOOD HEAVENS!) is the powerful disseminator of the fine and finely tuned, high frequency being received at this time.

The means of transmission for the Reticular Formation is the Medulla Oblongata and especially the part of the medullary pyramids within it called the decussation, or the place where the two big fibres of each pyramid cross over. These pyramids contain the motor fibres that pass to the brain and the spinal cord. I call these latter fibres and the decussation point, the ‘fibre optics’ because they are carrying a frequency now that is doing its best to light up the whole body!

When we look at this central area of the brain we might remember the earlier video here, ‘The brain is changing, part 2’ which spoke of the amygdalae and their current change of use. As the temple area brings in a new and high frequency more suited to the finer features of the amygdalae and their position in the temporal lobe, they will increasingly access higher forms of consciousness. Such high-frequency consciousness will be still, silent and timeless; it will end many of man’s squabbles with his neighbour and current limitations in learning and outlook.

Part II of this paper:

When those experienced in energy shifts observe that they are in receipt of fine frequency energy they feel its consequences throughout the body; those not yet knowing may simply feel unwell and for no apparent reason. (It is worth noting that the symptoms of frequency shift often defy reason.)

Le Chatelier’s Principle

At this time many of the body’s systems are, paradoxically, facilitated into new growth and change whilst at the same time being compromised by the frequency entering the earth and thus the brain. It is useful to borrow from Chemistry here and apply Le Chatelier’s Principle to what is happening in the body just now:

‘… if a system in equilibrium is disturbed by changes in determining factors, such as temperature, pressure, and concentration of components, the system will tend to shift its equilibrium position so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance…’[ii]

Brief descriptions of the components of the cingulate cortex relevant to this paper:

The Pineal is a super-sensitive body which is preparing the next stage of mankind’s evolution by receiving high frequency energy into the body until the temples and the temporal lobe are fully cleared and functioning. Such energy is delivered through the cingulate gyrus directly into the pineal which is the first signaller in a fast and complex chain of the body’s transmitters to the immune system, at least.

Now we have already described here how the pineal is at the moment in the article called ‘The real challenge of frequency change to the body’s neurobiology’, please look back at this paper if you would like. We know that the pineal secretes melatonin and serotonin and that our autonomic system, our involuntary actions, are under its governance. We know that the pineal regulates the body’s biodynamics, its Circadian rhythms, helping us with the seasons, with day and night and with our body clock. We also know that this small body oils the wheels of the heart, arteries and lungs and any compromise to its decisive levels can create a causal link to cardiovascular disease, even death (Cherry 2008, cited earlier in papers above).

The pineal is, most significantly, the first signaller in a fast and complex chain of the body’s transmitters. And why is this so significant? Because it is into the PINEAL that our high frequency energy is received, usually with the melanin function, in the hours of darkness and the means or medium through which the higher frequency flows is the CINGULATE GYRUS because this latter is a frequency RECEPTOR and it is perfectly dome shaped to facilitate such a function. (Please see ‘The brain is changing’, paper and videos above).

The calcification of the pineal and attendant discomforts

Now there has been much discussion in recent years about pineal calcification [iii] and this seems very controversial to me. There is evidence (Mahlberg et al, see below) to show that as the body ages there are more calcium and even fluoride deposits on the pineal and that these latter could be related to both migraines and cluster headaches. It is, however, extremely important to recognise that the pineal is the only singular participant (the rest are in pairs) in the cingulate cortex and that it is a body with a function that we have not been able to understand fully before. In these times when the pineal is receiving so much demanding input, it may feel very uncomfortable until the calcium deposits come off. It seems incongruous that the body should contain a part of it that is compromised so early on in life and the researcher below (Zimmerman 2012 and others) found calcium deposits in little ones of two years. We know that calcium is used by cells in neural transmission, a side-effect might be the leaving behind of calcium deposits (acervuli/brain sand): it is also worth noting, with respect, that small children often have a very high, natural frequency, so that as the frequency lessens calcification is very rapid.

Jinkyung Kim, et al[iv] (and others) found that the degree of pineal calcification is also associated with melatonin and we know that at the moment melatonin levels are affected, if not compromised by the entry of high frequency energy at the time in the night when melatonin is made.

At this time the calcium deposits are clearing, something which can create discomfort, even pain in the central top of the head and which is very necessary to the potent working of the pineal again. As the deposits clear, the pineal will be in the best condition it can be for receiving and passing on high frequency energy.

Descartes famously thought that this body was the seat of the soul (Treatise of Man published posthumously 1662/4)

The Pituitary is historically the master gland of the body, it secretes glutamate, a big transmitter which excites the synapse, (established in 1959) and glycine, localised to the brain, brainstem and spinal cord and believed by orthodox medicine to be a transmitter, blocking some neurons. We remember that a neuron is the most fundamental anatomical building block of the nervous system.

The Hippocampus and memory

The pituitary sits in the Hypothalamus in a network of fibres provided by the thalamocortical system: like a hairnet! The hypothalamus contains neural elements which are the mechanisms that are involved in feeding; thirst; sexual activity; hormonal functions and our involuntary responses. The pituitary secretes ADH, (Antidiuretic hormone) and Oxytocin (OXT). In the past this region was thought to be responsible for sleep; body temperature; appetite; fatigue; thirst; sexuality and the Circadian rhythms but now there is an agreement that the hypothalamus works in a tripartite liaison with the pituitary and the adrenals. This liaison is called the HPA axis and the participants work together to send signals both forwards and backwards in a neuroendocrine system. It seems more likely that the pituitary is not Head of Hormones, as we thought but rather a collective intelligence team like the HPA axis, itself in liaison with all the neuro-chemical transmitters in the body working to bring about its homeostasis. It is worth noting that the endocrine system and the secretion of hormones is vital for neural processes to work and such a system is changing and evolving constantly at the moment: the knock-on effects of change just now is demanding.

Near to the pituitary also is the Hippocampus, so called because it looks like a sea horse (Greek hippos, horse and kampos sea monster). The hippocampus has elongated ridges which run along the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain and there are two hippocampi, one either side of the central cortex. This important part of the limbic system facilitates in memory: the question is how?

In 1994 Buzsáki et al brought in the information that Theta waves are found in the hippocampus, the same waves identified in active, alert behaviour and the REM part of sleep. The Theta range is inclusive of large, regular waves in the frequency of 6-9 Hz, the frequency closest to that of the earth (as it is put forward in the Schumann Resonance). The hippocampal neurons are pyramidal and granular and the waves they create oscillate and come in sets. The rhythm is believed to be critical for temporal coding/decoding of active neuronal ensembles and the modification of synaptic weights. Nevertheless, numerous critical issues regarding both the generation of theta oscillations and their functional significance remain challenges for future research.

The hippocampus generates very large signals through a trisynaptic circuit. Cell activity seems often determined by spatial activity. In animals the Theta signal is part of the tracking mechanism.

It seems to me that the collective beneath the Cingulate Gyrus here creates conditions which Scientists have not yet investigated and which also play their part in the maintenance of frequency shifts in the body. I am aware that Theta works with the Gamma frequency in unconditional love.

Buszáki et al (1994) thought that memories are stored in the hippocampus and then transferred into the neocortex in sleep[v] but Scientists cannot find the storage place. This latter team of researchers found that most of the neurons in the hippocampal pyramids do not fire in activity.

I wonder whether this view still stands today, because if they still do not fire then it is because they are designed to fire at this time, within the context of the fine frequency energy that is entering the brain just now.

In my view, the Cingulate cortex houses potent receptors and transmitters that connect to the Energy Field outside of the body, which is a little like our ‘Cloud’ on the Internet today. Here then, in the hippocampus, is undeniably one of the mechanisms for transmission to and from these Memory Fields external to the body: it is an anchor for thought waves (itself operating in Theta) that bring in information from the memory banks in their energy field outside of the brain.

Now, early on in this website we made our position clear, that we do believe in a relationship between the speed of the earth’s frequency and our brain. If we express this relationship we are saying that the earth affects us as human beings; affects our thinking, at least. A little further along in the website we say that some effects have been observed that flow from Frequency Shifts: controlled studies in this area would be very welcome.

In the first pages above (‘Consciousness’) we use the research team headed by K.S.Saroka, the same team found again (10.1016/j.neulet2013.11.024(PubMed) that there is a correlation between intelligence and feeling and geomagnetic displacement: that our body can be affected by the earth’s magnetics. Further, the hippocampus was specifically cited:

‘…both bi-temporal and para-hippocampal activity were positively correlated with the strength of geometric displacement, the k-index’ These same researchers talk of the significance of the hippocampus and the ‘…connection between activity within the parahippocampus and naturally occurring geomagnetic activity..and its prominent role as an integrator of experience before long-term memory processes within the hippocampus…’

Please let us have more research into this area.

Place cells and the work of Professor Richard Morris

This part of the brain is also to do with spatial memory and John O’Keefe and Lynn Nadel wrote about Place cells in their significant book of 1978, The Hippocampus as a Cognitive map. This latter concept, to which we shall return, uses spatial clues to identify a place in which the body finds itself, rather than those to do with sensory, visual or auditory cues. Professor Richard Morris is particularly interesting on this head. Professor Morris, through his work on rats in a water maze, found that the creatures swam to familiar places without the help of sensory stimuli to guide them. The professor found that brain cells ‘keyed in’ to particular places, the imprint of which they then remembered, however changed the places might become subsequently. Both the memory and the communication, as it were, with place, were not dependent upon any sensory data. At St Andrew’s University, Professor Morris created a Water Maze, a sort of bath coloured with milk, so that rats could not see or smell or feel their way to a hidden platform at the far end of the maze. The creatures would bump into the platform, itself below the water line but on their next visit they would find it at once, from memory. In this way the rats’ memory, ‘a deep concept of the importance of place’ [vi] was formed independently of sensory cues.

It was found that the rats used their hippocampal region as they navigated to find the hidden platform and the experiments harmonised with an understanding of Long-Term Potentiation or LTP. Researchers Terje Olømo and Tim Bliss (Oslo, 1966) found that if they activated the sending side of the connections between one set of brain cells and another at a particular frequency for a very brief period of time, then the strength of that connection was increased. They also found that the network of neurons was more complicated than they thought. Richard Morris observes that LTP makes a lasting path, or imprint in the brain, so that no matter how physically changed the place, the body will remember it, regardless of sensory cues. The strength of the connections was used to build associations between one memory and another. For me, the apparatus for bringing in memory is acutely strengthened.

Professor Morris’ conviction that the brain is not like a computer because it is constantly changing is very important here: we believe that the brain is most definitely changing!

The Hippocampus, or ‘Sea Horse’ gets information that it receives from the hypothalamus via the choroid plexus through fibres that run under the corpus callosum, or band that joins the two hemispheres of the brain together.


High frequency energy enters the brain in the hours of darkness and its first mediator, its translator, is the Cingulate Gyrus, a receptor which guards the whole of the cingulate cortex beneath which lie the major players in our consciousness. This latter area links with the olfactory and sphenoid area and into the new temple site through the passage from the amygdalae. We shall return to the significance of this connection.

This massively exciting change for us as a species is both driven and accelerated by night time, high frequency energy reception. Some people who are trained in frequency shifts are also able to experience frequency inputs during the daytime.

The brain does not hold or store memory; rather it has mechanisms which behave as transmission anchors which activate when certain prompts are fired.

[i] Shepherd, Gordon M. Neurobiology, OUP (1994) p.612 ff.

[ii] encyclopedia/science/lechatelierprinciple.html

[iii] See Zimmerman, R. ‘Age-related Incidence of Pineal Calcification…’ in Radiological Society of North America June, 2012 and Mahlberg R. et al, ‘Pineal Calcification in Alzheimer’s disease…’ in Neurobiology of Aging 29, 2006.

[iv] Jinkyung Kim et al, Scientific Report 2012; 2, 984.

[v] Buzsaki, G et al, Oscillatory and intermittent synchrony in the hippocampus: relevance to memory trace formation, in Temporal Coding in the brain G Buzsáki et al, eds, ( 1994, Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp145-172.

[vi] Morris, R. speaking in ‘The Life Scientific’ on BBC Radio 4, December 6th 2016