Unusually I am reproducing earlier writing on the cilia, in order to focus on them more specifically, which you can find here in the context of ‘The body’s intrinsic light’.
The Cilia
Some time ago I became aware of the significance of the cilia in the body, which beat in a reticulum or double lining or membrane and I spoke with a medical friend, Dr John Porterfield, asking him about my findings about the reticulum around the spine and the little, hair-like sweepers that beat in within it. When I was treating people for depression I had been aware of the requirement to put blue light into the spinal reticulum, firstly because blue light has a specific quality – we have not chosen blue-light in our ambulances and police vehicles for nothing. I began to think more about the importance of the beaters and sweepers, the cilia, their place within the reticula and their obvious qualities as transmitters and locomotors of energy of some significance.
When we sing or ‘sound’ through the body it is not only the lungs and voice box that create the singing but the great antenna of the spinal column that delivers the frequency to produce what is being created: ask any opera singer. The spinal column is a BAROMETER of body well-being and particularly the frequency at which the body and each and every organ within it is resonate. When I work in the spinal area I usually ask the person I am treating to take hypericum, or St John’s Wort, which is one of the finest natural antiseptic cleansers available and particularly good for the spinal column. I feel that the plant must be photon-full, not only because it attracts its own specific moth but because it can make livestock eating it photon-sensitive: when a feast becomes too much!
I had been aware of the importance of the reticula of some body organs for some time and that of the cilia which beat within their folds. It seemed to me before I spoke to John Porterfield that the cilia must possess some way of dealing with frequency and/or frequency information and when I found Karl Simanonok’s work from 2008 (i) I was delighted that it supports what I was already finding in my treatments and in my informed experience.
The Space scientist asks whether the cilia possess ‘photoreceptive (and possibly waveguide) capabilities, which evolution has built upon to create photoreceptors’ (my emphases) and I would say that in my opinion they do: they create and provide the link to the Magnetic Field in which major bodily functions, like conception, ignite. The cilia are magnetic transformers. In asking such a question Simanonok observes that ‘much of the innermost ependymal lining of the cerebral ventricles is ciliated (with the cilia having no known function)’. In recent years we have realised that there is no such thing as junk DNA…
Simanonok’s work supports a view that the cilia have signalling capacity and function:
‘It is proposed that ventricular ciliary beating is influenced by and becomes coordinated with the timing of neural activity so that endogenous light emissions are stimulated and guided out of ventricular cilia into dynamically resonant patterns in the ventricles’. (i)
Of course this scientist is talking about the transit of highly charged LIGHT frequency through the brain which is both crucial to the body’s evolution at this time whilst being stressful to all of the organs, especially those transforming first.
I have thought for some time now that motor neuron disease is produced by some kind of lack of fit or stress which is abrasive to the cilia: they are so small yet so powerfully significant as to be easily and consequentially harmed. In these times of high frequency intake, the body is under great stress and, ironically, that which is beneficial may also be destructive.
What Simanonok says above might lead us to full investigation into how motor neuron disease is instigated in these terms further, Montague et al (July 2014) observe:
‘There is evidence implicating endoplasmic reticulum stress in the development and progression of neurodegenerative disease, including Huntingdon’s disease and in motor neuron disease where cellular stress disrupts functioning of the endoplasmic reticulum…’ (ii)
I found Simananok’s paper on June 3rd 2015 having been thinking, knowing about and feeling the light base within my own body for twenty years: the discovery of scientific support was thrilling. The difference for me is that the cilia themselves are the transmitters and frequency holders and they do the delicate work incognito, as it were, of translating the frequency memory in the body. Such small beaters and sweepers are able to do this because they RECEIVE and pass on very high frequency information; they are thus the inconspicuous middle men. Simanonok himself asks the question ‘do cilia have the possibility of wavelength capabilities?’ Well YES THEY DO! He says that if they do have such possibilities:
‘The dynamic photonic structure so formed in the brain’s spaces therefore becomes a nexus able to connect consciousness to the body.’ (i)
As we said at the start of this website, consciousness is a means of connecting the life within and the life without and that includes connecting us to a Higher Consciousness wherever that may be. Simanonok continues:
‘Conventional wisdom has virtual photons popping in and out of existence … but has little to say about the vast network of interconnected light that virtual photons must inhabit outside of our normal frame of reference because light experiences no time’ (my emphasis).
Indeed, we know scientifically that at the speed of light there is no time. How often do we hear, not least from Stephen Hawking and Brian Cox, that light exists continuously so that there is no reference to time within it. It is within this ‘virtual network’ that Simanonok finds the self-consciousness of consciousness: he notes that HERE is our reception and interpretation of higher consciousness. It was with such gratitude that I recently read this physicist’s view of the light pathways in the brain:
‘It is hypothesized that photons emitted from cells in the brain are guided to the surfaces of the brain’s fluid filled ventricular spaces (my emphases), where the photons interact with beating cilia lining those ventricles and are guided by the beat timing to form interference patterns in the ventricular spaces, creating an interface (a nexus) through which a tiny portion of the “light of God” is able to animate the corpus.’ Whether we use the word ‘God’ or Higher Consciousness’ is immaterial, we surely have to say ‘Eureka’!
i) Karl Simanonok, ‘Endogenous Light Nexus Theory of Consciousness’ (2008) www. Yave-yavo.org/science/cam/files
ii) Montague, K et al, ‘Endoplasmic reticulum stress in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: a potential target for therapy’, www.PubMed.gov 2014, (137) (Pt7) 1894-906, US Library of Medicine.